Merkaba International Training & Research Center
We wonder if you are looking for a solution to make some positive changes in your life and you have an idea that complementary therapies might assist you? If so, Please read on..Am Ms Tercy Lonan, CEO,Founder & Owner at Merkaba International Training & Research Center. Am a Reiki Grand Master. Am practicing & taking classes on Reiki, Pranic Healing, Pranic Psychotherapy, Kriya Shakti – Materialization Using Thought Power, The Ancient Art of Geomancy or Feng Shui, Awaken the light Within in you (Ignite Soul) First & Second level, The Qabalah or The Synthesized Teachings on Lord’s Prayer, The Path to Arhatship, Crystals energy, Pyramid energy, Mahatma energy, Human Universal energy & spiritual Yoga, Different types meditations, Platinum energy stwart, Platinum energy manager, The wonderful Super Brain Yoga,
Please join us for classes. Reiki & other healing services offers a friendly technique and can be applied to one's everyday life. It is not dependent on the individual's intellectual capacity or spiritual level of development. Therefore, it is available to every person. This ancient system has allowed us to see countless, wonderful, and profound changes in people during classes and healing sessions’
Our mission is to offer outstanding Healing Opportunities, Educational and Training Programs in the Healing Arts & Spiritual Awakening, which help others and ourselves to Understand the Innate Power to Heal and Grow that We are each born with..
We wish you well on your journey with Reiki and other energies.
With love & light
Tercy Lonan & Team