Sun Stone
Sunstone is a joyful stone. It restores life's sweetness and helps you to value and nurture yourself. It can lift dark moods and is said to be
beneficial for Seasonal Affective Disorder. It encourages optimism and enthusiasm and helps overcome procrastination, helping you take action to
live your life as you'd like to now.
Sunstone helps you develop your own originality, encourages independence and alleviates fearfulness. It is said to bring good fortune and abundance.
Sunstone is linked to the solar Plexus chakra. Using Sunstone to unblock this chakra can relieve the problems associated with a blockage in this area,
such as excess weight around the middle, digestive problems and stomach ulcers.
Sunstone was associated with the Sun during the Rennaissance because of its sparkling orange-gold hue. It was used by magicians to call upon the
influences of the sun. It is a
protective stone.
Placed before a white candle, sunstone will spread protective energies throughout your home.
Symbolically, sunstone is linked to moonstone. Carry the two stones together to bring the influences of the Sun (Healing, Protection, Success)
into harmony with those of the Moon (Love, Peace, Spirituality).
Sunstone is worn to:
- Give you extra energy when you are ill or under stress
- Stimulate sexual arousal and increase sexual energy
- Increase self-healing power
- Promotes harmony among the organs functions
Sunstone stimulates your personal power of attraction.
Sun Stone cost is Rs. 350.00 per one + postage