Lapis Lazuli
- Described as the stone of Gods (Higher consciousness).
- A revered messenger from heaven.
- It consists of Aluminum silicate
- Represents mother earth.
- The oldest spiritual stone.
- A think tank stone.
- It has been a symbol of power and royal dignity.
- A mental healer.
- A soul purifier.
- A spiritual cleanser.
- Creates mental and emotional stability.
- Releases the Karmic wounds and pains.
- Cures and dispels melancholy sadness.
- Controls intermittant malarial fever.
- Alleviates the pain of eyes.
- Cures epilepsy and skin problems.
- Grants honour and success to wearer.
- Fill with courage and confidence.
- A magnificent opaque royal blue stone containing traces of pyrite, calcite or gold
- It was mainly used by the royalty and priests in Egupt.
- Wearer will be endowed with wisdom, insight and good judgement.
- A stimulator of psychic abilities.
- Associated with power, wisdom and love.
- An excellent executive stone (wear it or carry it in the pocket).
Cost of pencil type Rs.160.00 per one, tumbled stone Rs. 200.00 per one, Lapiz Lazuli Globe is Rs.1500.00 + postage